The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the economy with an estimated loss of $16 trillion. The restrictions instituted to curb the spread of the virus slowed down the economy and caused temporary and permanent business closures, loss of jobs, and reduced revenues.

Experts say the recovery from the devastation will be digital. Remote working is one of the effective digital solutions you can use to enhance business continuity post-COVID-19. Here are tips you can use to optimize your company’s remote working plan.

1. Redraw Your Remote Working Plan

To survive the lockdown and other restrictions caused by the pandemic, businesses had to find an urgent way for employees to work from home. The switch from physical offices to home offices came was haphazard and fraught with myriad challenges.

As the recovery phase continues, you can now build a well-considered remote office plan for your organization. You can create a hybrid office environment where some employees work from the company offices while others log in remotely.

For your plan to work, consult widely and review health guidelines that affect the workplace post-COVID 19. Identify your company’s unique personnel needs, available resources, and expected challenges in the new office norm. Your employees are an invaluable resource in the recovery efforts and you should involve them in the design of the post-Ccovid-19 operations plan.

2. Provide Access to Company Systems

For effective implementation of your remote office plan, provide your employees with access to the company resources. The team can only work effectively with easy access to documents, systems, and other company resources.

A reliable scanning services provider can ease access to paperwork for your team through digital scanning. The best document scanning service will convert all your paperwork and files into high-quality digital records. With easy access to the resources they need, your employees can work more efficiently to ensure business continuity.

3. Use a Digital Mailroom

Email is at the heart of business communication. For business continuity, your employees who opt to work remotely need access to their mail. A digital mailroom is a smart investment for better handling of inbound mail.

The automation of inbound mail improves efficiency, reduces operational costs involved in physical mail, and enhances compliance with your company’s email policy. When you outsource inbound mail management, you free more time and resources for the core business operations.

For your remote office setup, a digital mailroom prevents a backlog of mail and ensures your employees are up-to-date with business news. The increased efficiency in inbound mail management also boosts the quality of customer service as employees can promptly respond to clients’ feedback.

4. Invest in Cyber Security

Digitizing your operations for business continuity is a smart move but it also comes with a high level of risk. With more businesses and consumer now online, the risk of cyberattacks has increased. Organizations which shifted online without any security precautions are vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Virtual offices are a new phenomenon, and some security errors might be made. For enhanced security against cyber risks, carry out a risk assessment of your remote working network. A cybersecurity service provider can provide tailored security software to protect your business. The service providers you partner with for the remote office project should have security protocols in place to protect your information.

Remote working is one of the most effective strategies for business continuity amidst the debilitating effects of COVID-19. If your organization embraces the innovative office, you have to empower your employees with necessary hardware, software, access and a secure network.

For the most comprehensive document scanning services for your business in Minneapolis, MN, or the surrounding areas, our team at Indigital is here to help. Since 1994, we have served clients across multiple industries with outstanding document scanning solutions. If you want to digitize your paperwork for remote working, contact us today and let’s help your business go digital.